Embassy in London

All practical information on our Embassy in London.

Address and opening hours

Contact details, opening hours, and closing days of our Embassy in London.
  1. Last updated on


17, Grosvenor Crescent 
London SW1X 7EE  
+44 20 7470 3700 (Monday to Friday from 2pm to 5pm)


The most efficient way to get a prompt answer to your question is to contact the relevant department directly by email (see specific email address below).

For any questions regarding the Passenger Locator Form, the COVID-19 test and the quarantine obligation in Belgium, travelers should check the website https://www.info-coronavirus.be/en/ and/or contact the FPS Public Health

  • Their general information number when in Belgium: 0800 14 689
  • From outside Belgium : +32 781 517 71

1 Population Department

E-mail: londonpassports@diplobel.fed.be

To contact the Population department Monday to Friday between 2 pm-5 pm, please call +44 207 470 3700 and choose option n°1

Belgian passports:
By appointment only

Belgian ID card (and Kids ID):
By appointment only

Registration (also of a newborn):
By post only.

Update civil status:
By post only.

Consular attestations:
By post only.

Legalisation and life certificates
By appointment only

2 Nationality & Notary


By appointment only 

To assess whether the Consulate General can assist you to execute an act, you must always contact the competent service in advance at this e-mail address: london.nat@diplobel.fed.be. The service will then provide you with all the relevant information relating to your specific situation.

3 Visa Section

Access strictly by appointment only


Unfortunately the Embassy of Belgium in London is only equipped with an extremely small waiting room which severely restricts access to the Embassy. This is why access to the Embassy is strictly limited on appointment only to diplomats applying for visas in order to travel on official business (based on an official verbal note)

Diplomats and their families applying for Schengen visas for private travel are kindly invited to make use of our state of the art and comfortable (with a VIP section) Visa Application Center in London.
For private journeys of diplomats and their families (family visit, tourism) the handling fee is due even when travelling on a diplomatic passport.
Official journeys have to be confirmed with the traditional Verbal Note.


General Public:

  1. For more specific information about visa, visit the Embassy website or the website of our external service provider.
  2. For all general visa enquiries (application process, processing times, appointments, documentation required) please contact TLScontact: either by phone 08000668786 or contact.gb2be@tlscontact.com or via their contact form

  3. The Embassy does not communicate information on visa applications over the phone.
  4. For all work related queries, please visit our Working in Belgium page.
  5. Contact us by email: london.visa@diplobel.fed.be (if you have applied already, please supply: first name, family name, date of birth and passport number)

4 Brexit

E-mail: london@diplobel.fed.be


5 Press and Communication

E-mail: london@diplobel.fed.be 

NOT for information on passports, visas, nationality, ...

Public Holidays 2024

In 2024, the Embassy will be closed on the following public holidays:

Public Holidays 2024
Date Day Holiday
1 January Monday New Year's Day
29 March Friday Good Friday
1 April Monday Easter Monday
6 May Monday Early May bank holiday
27 May Monday Spring bank holiday
26 August Monday Summer bank holiday
25 December Wednesday Christmas Day
26 December Thursday Boxing Day