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Belgium in the UK
In London
- The Embassy of Belgium, 17 Grosvenor Crescent, London SW1X 7EE, 0207 470 3700 London@diplobel.fed.be
- Brussels Capital Region/Brussels Export, Samuel Servaes, Economic and Commercial Attaché, +44 77 11 16 98 11, london@hub.brussels, www.hub.brussels
- Walloon Region/AWEX, Baudouin de Hemptinne, Economic and Commercial Attaché, 0207 235 0616, londres@awex-wallonia.com, www.wallonia.co.uk/en
- Representation of the Flemish Government, David Maenaut, Flanders House, 1A Cavendish Square, London WIG 0LD, 0207 299 3596, london@flanders.eu, www.flandersintheuk.be/en/flanders-house
- Flanders Investment and Trade, Lionel Orens, Economic and Commercial Attaché, Flanders House, 0207 307 7710, flandersinvestmentandtrade@flanders.co.uk, www.flandersinvestmentandtrade.com
- VISITFLANDERS, Flanders House, 0207 307 7738, enquiries@visitflanders.com, www.visitflanders.com
- VISITWallonia.be, 217 Marsh Wall, London E14 9FJ, 0207 531 0390, consumer@walloniabelgiumtourism.co.uk, Official website for tourism in Wallonia
Outside London
- Flanders Investment and Trade (Scotland branch), Economic & Commercial Representation, Conference House, 152 Morrison Street, Edinburgh EH3 8EB, 0131 200 6080, Edinburgh@fitagency.com
- Walloon Trade Office, Claire Lammens, Economic & Commercial Counsellor, The White House, 111 New Street, Birmingham B2 4EU, 0121 616 1962, birmingham@awex-wallonia.com
Belgian clubs and organisations in the UK
- The Belgian-Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce is a one-stop shop for businesses and individuals wishing to export to or invest in the UK. For information on our Business Services, Events and Club House facilities in Central London, 8 Northumberland Avenue, London WC2N 5BY, 0207 127 4292, www.blcc.co.uk, info@blcc.co.uk
- The Anglo-Belgian Society promotes Anglo-Belgian friendships and culture and organises a variety of social, cultural and sporting events. Registration and information about the Society and its events on www.anglobelgiansociety.com
- Vlaamse Club Londen, organises activities for Flemish and Dutch-speaking people in the London area, thus creating a meeting place and a network opportunity for the many Flemings in the UK, www.vlaamseclublonden.com, info@vlaamseclublonden.com
- Vlamingen in de Wereld, representatives in the UK are Brit Beckers, Britbeckers@yahoo.co.uk and David Vermylen, vandl@gmx.co.uk
- Union Francophone des Belges à l'Etranger, www.ufbe.be
- Vlamingen in Surrey organise meetings and events for Flemish people living in the Surrey area. Contact: Brit Deckers-Beckers, Chase Manor, Kingfield Road, Woking, GU22 9AA, 01483 726 760, britbeckers@yahoo.co.uk, www.vlamingeninsurrey.co.uk
- Orde van den Prince promotes the unity of the Dutch language and culture, stimulating cooperation between Flanders and The Netherlands. Bimonthly meetings in London. Enquiries: Dr Wim Blancke, Britbeckers@yahoo.co.uk